Some black and white drawings from Frank Brunner, 1970 - 1978. These are from various fanzines and art books, including Infinity, The Brunner Mystique, and After Image.
This has nothing to do with comic books, fantasy art, or illustration art. But if posting about Debbie Harrie and the Muppets on this blog is wrong, I don't want to be right. Here's some pictures and a video from her 1980 appearance on that show.
The Monsters: Color the Creature Book was released in 1974. This oversize coloring book contained fifteen black and white monster drawings by Bernie Wrightson. It was an inexpensive way to get a nice portfolio of Bernie's work. I remember seeing ads from the Koch Bros. in Comics Buyers Guide in the late 1980's selling these for about $4 each.
Many of these illustrations have been reprinted a bunch. Some of the were used for covers of Pacific Comics' Wrightson reprint series Master of the Macabre. Others have been used as pinups in various comics and omnibus collections. They're all a delight to see.