...when desiring a human form for evil purposes, take to themselves the bodies of hanged men. Entry #196 of The Commonplace Book of H.P. Lovecraft.

Art by Rick Sardinha, buy a print here.
Some early Marvel Annuals...

Avengers Annual #1, September 1967. Cover by John Buscema.

Avengers Annual #2, September 1968. Cover by John Buscema.

Avengers Annual #3, September 1969. Cover by Sal and John Buscema.

Journey Into Mystery Annual #1, 1965. Cover by Jack Kirby.

Strange Tales Annual #1, 1962.

Strange Tales Annual #1, 1963. Cover by Jack Kirby.

Fantastic Four Annual #1, 1963. Cover by Jack Kirby and Dick Ayers.

Fantastic Four Annual #2, 1964. Cover by Jack Kirby and Chic Stone.

Fantastic Four Annual #3, 1965. Cover by Jack Kirby and Mike Esposito.

Amazing Spider-Man Annual #1, 1964. Cover by Steve Ditko.

Amazing Spider-Man Annual #2, 1965. Cover by Steve Ditko.

Amazing Spider-Man Annual #3, November 1966. Cover by Johnny Romita and Don Heck.
Here's a great drawing of Superman punching Lex Luthor through a brick wall:

Action Comics #47, April 1942. Cover art by Creig Flessel.