More pumpkin action from Bernie Wrightson. Scan of the original art and the published comic Secrets of Haunted House #5, January 1976.

Since it is almost Halloween, here is an early Bernie Wrightson drawing of a guy with a pumpkin.
Illustration by Norman Price for Liberty magazine.
Sexy witch by Dave Stevens. Seduction of the Innocent 3-D #1, October 1985.
Not really comic book or fantasy art related, but here's a couple pieces of original art I got yesterday:

The Winds of Night, by Anne Maybury. Ace Books, 1963. Unknown artist.

Unknown book, unknown artist, unknown everything. Anyone have any ideas? The image below is on the back of the painting. I've tried searching for Rickover Plot, McHover Plot, lots of combinations. It is 20" x 30," gouache on board.
This Just In (10/24/09):
The Nichovev Plot by Nick Carter!
More Halloween fun with Will Eisner in this Spirit page from 1947.
I have a confession to make. I bought the original art to an Archie Comics' story.
I used to collect original art, then I got interested in other things and it got too expensive. Now that I've been looking around at some lately, it's gotten really expensive. Me and a friend were lamenting back in the 1980's we would see original art for sale for $10 a page and wouldn't get it. Now we look back and think "Hell, a Superman page for $10, who cares if the art isn't that great, it's Superman! Only $10! Why didn't we grab it?"
So, I saw this Betty & Veronica story for $48 (less than $10 a page!) and thought what the hell. I mostly associate Archie comics with going to the dentist when I was a kid. This one is from a bit later, 1992. It has all the classic elements of an Archie, Betty and Veronica story. Hell, it's even called "The Triangle." I like the panel of Veronica all pissed off at the bottom of page 2, and page 4 is pretty fun with the phone action and the pictures of Archie by the table. All these stories are the same, and I think they really are written by a computer.
For your reading pleasure: "The Triangle," pencils by Dan Parent, inks by Rudy Lapick. From a 1992 issue of Betty and Veronica.

A couple of Dell Giants with a space theme.

Dell Giant #27, October 1959.

Dell Giant #43, May 1961.
Start getting warmed up for Halloween with this Frank Kelly Freas cover for Mad #59, cover dated December 1960.